Delaware C-Corp Incorporation
Set up your business in a startup-friendly environment with a Delaware C-Corp formation.
Delaware is the go-to state for startups due to its flexible and business-friendly laws. We’ll take care of the paperwork and incorporation process, so you can start your Delaware C-Corp with ease—ideal for founders seeking to raise venture capital or establish a professional entity with strong legal protections.
Customer Satisfaction Policy
Security policy
This service is ideal for early-stage founders who want to set up their business in a startup-friendly environment and establish a solid legal foundation.
✅ Filing of incorporation documents
✅ Post-Incorporation Support
✅ Determine the best way to capitalize on the company
- Discuss need for shareholder agreements
- Discuss basic documents that will be needed via Clerky ie Bylaws, 83b election
- Discussion of the capital sources, loans, safe agreements, convertible notes
- How to keep CAP Table up to date
- Need for Minutes/Meetings
- Taxpayer ID need
- Insurance
- Tax Filings in federal and state
✅ US Bank Account setup
This dedicated team will help you set a solid foundation for your startup’s growth by incorporation
- Project Manager (TAOTTER)
- Startup Advisor